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January 15, 2025
Abcs Health 2 Success : Tips for a healthy lifestyl

What is HARP Testing: How Does It Applies To You

In Ontario, Canada, the Minister of Health is responsible for ensuring that dentists, chiropractors and, medical practitioners operate X-ray machines safely,

The minister and his representatives also ensure that all medical facilities get permission to install an x-ray machine and that only persons licensed or trained to operate an X-ray machine are given permission to do so.

While X-Rays can be of vital use in the treatment of disease. it has been known for many years that X-Rays can contribute to a small, but never the less significant degree of cancer thought to be in an amount of .4 percent in most human beings.

Various governmental bodies in both Canada and the U.S have created official standards to minimize the side effects of cancer, while X-rays are used to perform vital diagnostic functions. iN the province of Ontario, this is known as the HARP act, the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act

HARP Testing

Besides licensing only medical facilities to own and operate X-Ray machines and place strict guidelines on who can operate the machines, every six months, X-ray machines must be run through a battery of tests to ensure that protective shields and barriers are in place.

These tests are to protect both patients as well as those working in the facility from

It is irradiated more than is considered above the recognized safety levels, which is known as HARP testing.

HARP testing is no joke either. It is taken very seriously.

Suppose an X-ray machine fails to meet the required level of safety. In that case, it will be shut down by health officials of the Ministry until either necessary modifications can be made to ensure both the technician’s and the public’s safety.

And if further testing shows a single X-ray machine fails HARP testing, the Ministry is well within their rights to force all X-ray usage to be stopped until either the equipment is brought up to standards, or in many cases, replaced.

A hospital, dental facility, or chiropractic facility wants never to fail a HARP test, so to make sure they never fail. Most businesses hire an outside party of testing experts such as XRCT Limited.

We have an experienced staff of qualified medical physicists, registered medical radiation technologists, and retired military radiation safety officers to ensure a medical facility never fails a HARP test.

The company deals with General X-ray, Fluoroscopy, Mammography, Linear accelerator On-Board Imaging, and Dental X-rays, to name a few.


An essential part of the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act inspection and the installation of new X-ray equipment is proper X-ray shielding.

When you are having new X-ray equipment installed, you need X-ray integrity testing.

First, during the construction or reconstruction of your facility, you will likely need our company to work with the contractors to ensure all shielding, penetrations, doors, and windows are constructed to meet X-ray standards.

We will document everything, and it may take several inspection visits to ensure every step of the construction is up to medical standards.

The next step is radiological testing.

Using sensitive, radiologic equipment, we will make sure there are no holes, leaks, or gaps in the shielding.

Unfortunately, unknown to the medical facility, contractors sometimes make small adjustments to an X-ray room’s plans. Adjustments that do not show up to the naked eye but which leave shielding holes in the room.

With radiologic testing, we can make sure that a facility’s new X-ray room is airtight from X-ray leaks, and this can only be done with a radiologic inspection.

We will thoroughly document any shielding leaks found and lead to remedial work done by the contractor.

And whether it’s a new X-ray facility or an existing one, we can determine the level of shielding that exists on your walls, ceilings, doors, and windows to protect both patients and staff from the harm of ambient x-rays.

Pre-inspection services

You know that a Harp test will need to be done every six months to certify your equipment is entirely up to standards.

However, do not wake-up and be surprised at the results. With our pre-inspection testing, we can ensure your equipment and facilities are well up to snuff before we officially certify you as to meeting all standards.

With our pre-inspection services, if there is the slightest deviation from accepted standards, a facility has an opportunity to fix it promptly.

CT Quality Control

In addition to helping you get a new facilityComputed Tomography is licensed, and to meet all Harp standards, Computed Tomography (CT machines) are being used throughout Ontario and Canada.

We are experts at CT quality control and can help your medical facility make optimal use of your CT equipment.

The bottom line

X-Rays are highly regulated via HARP in Ontario, and we can help make sure you are always ahead of expected standards. Call us today to see how we can assist your medical facility.


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